Grow in Generosity

We believe that if we are growing in Christ we should also be growing in generosity.


Each step of the ladder represents a faith decision to grow in sacrificial giving.  These steps are not a way for you to get to God, rather a way for you to evaluate your growth in generosity.  Scripture encourages us to pursue excellence in all that we do, including our giving. [2 Corinthians 8:7]


We would like to challenge you to identify which step you are on, then, by faith, take your next step.


New Giver

Who:  This is someone who has just given their first gift to God!  This is the first step towards inviting God to be a part of your entire life, yes, even your finances.  We know this step can be difficult, but it’s a necessary step if we plan to surrender our entire lives to Him.

How:  To become a new giver, consider making your first gift to The Crossroads Church.

Regular Giver

Who:  Someone who is a regular giver has given at least four times in the past year.  A regular giver is beginning to think about their giving in the same way they would other expenses in their budget.  They’re in the early stages of developing the discipline of setting aside their gift to the Lord.

How:  To become a regular giver, consider:

  • Setting up a recurring gift on our website, mobile app or even with Auto Bill Pay at your bank.
  • Budgeting specifically for giving in the same way you would for your other monthly expenses. [1 Corinthians 16:1-2]
  • Proactively scheduling on your calendar when you are going to give.

Intentional Giver

Who:  Intentional givers think about their giving in relation to other things they spend their money on.  They consider a percentage or amount they want to set aside in an effort to grow in generosity.  Intentional givers look at their budget and consider how their giving reflects their view of God and commitment to build His Kingdom.

How:  To become an intentional giver, consider:

  • Giving in relation to your other monthly financial commitments (such as your cell phone, mortgage/rent, insurance, etc.) and determining an intentional step to grow the priority of your giving.
  • Choosing a percentage that would represent a new level of giving for you, potentially a tithe [Malachi 3:10].

Sacrifical Giver

Who:  Sacrificial givers no longer ask the question, “What am I supposed to give?”  Rather, they ask, “What am I not giving and why?”  There is a monumental shift in the sacrificial giver.  They’re attempting to live off the 10 and give off the 90.  Sacrificial givers decide to make changes that cost them something in their lifestyle. 

How:  To become a sacrificial giver, consider:

  • Looking at the dollars you are not giving and prayerfully consider if God is asking you to release a portion of those over to Him.
  • Evaluating if your giving is really costing you something or if it has become a comfortable routine. [2 Samuel 24:24]
  • Determine if there are resources God has blessed you with in the past [savings, stock, retirement, etc.) that God is asking you to release to Him.

Extravagant Giver

Who:  Extravagant givers are thinking past their involvement in the local church and moving towards concern for future generations.  They make decisions in the short-term that have long-term effects on their giving.  Extravagant givers consider the impact that every personal asset has on their ability to be generous.  This person is no longer asking the question, “God, how much are you asking me to give?”  The Extravagant giver asks, “God how much are you asking me to keep?”

 How:  To become an extravagant giver, consider:

  • Putting a cap on spending and saving so every additional dollar goes towards Kingdom giving.
  • Setting a lifetime generosity goal. Many believers have retirement goals.  Should you consider setting generosity goals too?
  • Engaging in estate planning (or revising your current plan) to accurately reflect your priorities.
  • Leveraging your own journey of generosity to encourage and inspire Kingdom generosity in the next generation [Proverbs 13:22]